3 Fat Reduction Techniques to Get Back in Shape After the Holidays
One of the most common new year’s resolutions for many people is to lose the holiday weight, which is not the easiest to follow through with. Proper diet and exercise are essential to achieve your body goals, which is an entire lifestyle change completely. But with the stress and busy work and home life getting in the way of your plans, it can be quite a challenge to keep it up on its own.
If you truly want a full body transformation that is both safe and effective, then you can look into fat reduction treatments that can help you get the body you want. Start the year feeling happy and confident with your body by trying out these 3 fat reduction techniques.
3 Fat Reduction Techniques For Holiday Weight Loss
1. Lipo Sculpt: Non-Surgical Fat Reduction
Even with a healthy routine set for the rest of the year, you’ll find that there are some unwanted parts that weight loss will leave you with that can be hard to get rid of. Saggy skin, for one, is something that won’t go away on its own.
Lipo Sculpt procedures have the solution to that problem. This non-surgical fat reduction treatment is non-invasive and offers minimal side effects. It targets fat cells and tones areas such as the abdomen and belly while tightening and firming saggy skin. This type of procedure can estimate a percentage of how much fat you’ll lose and requires multiple treatments for better results.
2. Non-Surgical Face Slimming
If you’re insecure about your double chin or chubby cheeks, then this procedure can help sculpt your face to better tone and define your facial structure.
This procedure is non-invasive as well, targeting crucial areas on your face with excessive fat. With this simple treatment, you can wear the proudest smile on your face with all the confidence you would gain.
3. Healthy Routine Switching
These procedures need to be accompanied by a healthy lifestyle routine in order to see better results. With a proper balanced diet and exercise, not only can you achieve your body goals faster. Living a healthier and holistic lifestyle can also improve your overall health and wellbeing.
But if going all the way has proven to be quite difficult, then don’t feel bad about it. You can slowly adjust your routine just by making some switches in some of your lifestyle choices. Incorporate these small but simple changes this new year that can leave long-lasting effects on your overall health.
Switch Flavored Beverages for Water or Fruit
Cut back on flavored beverages such as sodas and juices and try getting used to water in place of them. These drinks contain high amounts of sugar, which ultimately contributes to weight gain.
Drinking water every day has multiple benefits, especially when it comes to weight loss. It helps the body digest better and can help flush body waste easier.
If you find yourself craving juice, then eat fruits. They contain less sugar and are packed with vitamins and minerals.
Move More
When given the option to take the elevator or the stairs, opt for the stairs. If your destination is within walking distance, then go for a stroll. Just adding some form of exercise of keeping your body active can make a difference in your wellbeing.
Don’t feel too bad when you pack on some extra pounds this new year. It’s not uncommon for anyone to put on a little weight after the holidays. In fact, studies show that on average, most people gain 1 to 2 pounds after Christmas and New Year. So if you think that you may be the only one feeling insecure about your weight gain, then know that there are probably several people who know just how you feel. You can always try to accept your insecurities. But if you want to do something about it, then there’s no reason to stop yourself.
Giving these fat reduction techniques a go may not get you instant results, but they are a step towards a healthier and happier you. So if you’re interested to try them, then do it. Investing in yourself and your happiness is extremely important, especially at the start of a new year.
Also Read: New Year, New Me: 10 Resolutions For Healthier Skin
If you’re looking to avail of fat reduction treatments for a better you, then talk to the team of experts at Skin MD, a dermatology clinic in Pasig City. This clinic offers several treatments that can help you boost your confidence with a team of board-certified experts behind the procedures. Contact us for your consultation today!
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